Last week I posted the following:
This week we have a new guest player – a Mr Livi who is part of the genesis of this site and the reason that this blog is somewhat Liverpool leaning. He is convinced he will get 50% of his picks perfect which means he’s a sure-fire winner. That is, however, why they play the games.
While not getting 50% perfect scores he did do really well and beat me badly. If he had picked with his head and not his heart he would have done better – I’m sure he picked a Hornets draw to stop me being upset.
Here are all the standings – congratulations JE for making my life bearable by beating Livi!
Here are the rest of the interesting charts including the overall standings for those who have played every week – including the Supercomputers and not including the Supercomputers (I think SC3 is cheating and copying SC2).