Final Standing

It took a lot of tabulating and reviewing to get to the final standings. The last week were particularly interesting as there was an underhanded attempt to cheat the honour system. JE was found to have tried to undermine the scoring by putting in a fake entry in an attempt to minimize his chance of losing.

Weekly Points

The final week was not a good week for ME who was looking to hold off AM for the extra bonus final 9 game competition! Could the winner be switched on the last week?

Congratulations to BB and LJ for taking the final week!

Total Points

Here are the final points and it looks like the seasons “human” winner is JE! This would be, I believe, his second title; however, he has been assessed a ten (10) point penalty for outrageous cheating and this drops him down to second place behind me!

So this year’s champion is JCE

Thanks for participating everyone! It was very tight again, particularly at the bottom of the table with the bottom three separated by less than one exact! Sorry, AA, you are holding up all the other players…. better luck next year!

As for the AM and ME competition: there was only one winner for a long long long time and it was not AM.

I’m going to set up the 2021 schedule now (I know it’s late in the day) but hopefully everyone will get to participate again and we’ll do a better job of keeping on top of things.

A protest was launched and it turns out that the cheating was all in good humour and done with a sense of fun so the ten points (10) have been reinstated and the winner this year is as shown in the table.

This year’s champion is JE!

Congratulations. You ended the season with a very strong finish taking the champions position late and then ended the season moving away.

Sub Competition

Because AM was so far behind ME we run a sub competition and reset the scores for the last 9 games. It didn’t help, AM lost again!

I will not do a detailed summary this season end. I’m going to focus on building a better solution moving forward.

Finally… once more… lets hear it for this year’s champion JE

One Reply to “Final Standing”

  1. What on Earth are you chatting about? Cheating? Fake entries? I’m utterly confused and want to cry like Messi.
    But glad I won! 😉
    Good work peanuthead and looking forward to the year ahead. Shitty will win again no doubt. Oil money rules.

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