Final Season Summary

This post is part of a series (see menu bar on the right). I’ve individualized the full-season results for everyone with the same charts and images to make it easier to see how you did over the course of this strange season.

Second Half of the Season
The second half of the season shows a strong comeback by JCE and LJ to overhaul the lead that ME had established. It also confirmed the poor season for AM with a lowly 8.05 points per season!

JCE Wins the Second Half

The Final Results
I’ve provided multiple scoring systems to determine the winner(s). There is the normal and straightforward aggregate points method and then a points system that rewards a Top 5 finish in the week.

The Winner is SC2- What good Luck

Looks like the season has ended with a daft Supercomputer 2 winning the table on a purely aggregate basis. ME suffered a bit of a second-half collapse that started pre-pandemic and from which he didn’t recover. Luckily AM had no chance to catch him by this point.

The alternative scoring system showed the advantage of a human. SC2 was consistently high placed but lacked the 1st place finishes which left yours truly top of the table.

Alternative Scoring

Second Chance Winning
After the season had shut down due to the pandemic it looked like everything was going to shut down. Once things got underway, I request was made by a few people to track the scoring for the final 10 pandemic games separately. The request was made by AM because he wanted to give himself a chance at getting something out of the year.

It didn’t work out that way.

Poor old AM

It was a disaster for AM but it was a good run for the leaders and BE saw her chance to grab the lead at the top of the table.


Congratulations to JCE For the Season Win!
Your prize is to do this all over again!

Congratulations to BE for the Pandemic Win!
Your prize is an obscene amount of beer that needs to be collected in person. I cannot vouch that it won’t be consumed by the local Bar Covid crowd.

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