March Results and Points

Here are all the reults for March


Below are the impacts on the weekly totals.  Some games were rescheduled and the weeks games reset.
















All the current points have been updated (see the menu). The picks will be updated TODAY
The run in will be maintained in a timely manner, I promise

Catching up February

Looks like I thought I had posted February results when I haven’t. I found updated outside of WordPress and I found a template that made it look like I had made post but it seems I am another month behind. Give me a couple of days, I’ll have this sorted out in a jiffy. At least I have all the results and points ready to go!

Or by Saturiday morning, at least.

Meanwhile, keep picking for March.

January! – Lots of Catching Up

Lots of random bits and pieces and whole weeks in here that I’ve been pretty neglectful about keeping up to date. I will endeavour to give the full monthly break down and then this week just wrap up the beginning of February and then everything will be back in order.

Starting with the end of December where a fair number of Week 20 games were played.

Pretty dire points here!  Seven games completed and only one exact floating around.  AM is in the lead but we’ll see how it goes with the remaining three games.




Coming into the New Year with another incomplete roster of games.  It was at this point people begun to wonder if there would be an Omicron break or not.  Not even Burnley and Spuds going through multiple postponements  could make the league prescribe a break.




Not bad scoring overall this week.  A few terrible picks going on here – BE barely managed to take a lead over Super Computer 3 who must have been unplugged this week!




What’s this you say?  Three random games in the week!  Absolutely, why not.



This takes Round 18 games to six played games and a pretty good start for yours truly.  Someone needs to wake up SC3 – he’s falling behind BE (not by much)




Then we hit the middle of January with a Birthday present for JE – I think this is where #OleOut.  Not a complete schedule but partial results captured (again).




We know results are wonky because AA and AB are at the top.  Might be tough for someone not in the top two to pull out a victory for week 22.




What’s this? Another two random games

played in the middle of the week?


Yep.  That is the case and it helps to fill in some of the Round 17 and 24 brackets.  AB is at the top again and I would imagine will stay there with the one game left.







Moving along we get even more games!  Will January never end?




This week the table is looking good for a few people.  For SuperComputer 3 it is looking rather awful!

So what is, you are all wondering, the current state of the league table.  Here it is.


Looks like I am in the break-away of one and the peloton is gathering some way back.

Updates soon! Let’s get this season sorted out before I lose too much interest (Man City walking it and Watford having a disastrous time)

Holiday Games and Results

So it seems I’ve lost track of where I am and how far behind I am so I am doing to do my best to straighten everything up while it is still the weekend. Back to work on Monday for some of us!

Starting with the Round of 16 which was played the week of December 10th.  None of these totals are complete as many games have been postponed. Your picks for those games may be used as the default for the rescheduled games if you fail to register new picks.


No one really had a blinder but a couple of disappointing scores came in this week – leading with JE way at the bottom. I think this is the week that he took the advice of Humphrey.  There is one game left. 


Moving on things get a little more difficult to follow as the number of games postponed increases.  


Some potentially big scores and some potential dire scores for this week pending remaining picks. A gap of 10 points between first and last is quite a lot when there are three games left to pick.


It’s hardly worth posting these picks and results with only four of the ten games played.


One of the few times AM will see himself top of the table with his six points from four games.
